Thursday, February 21, 2013

So, are you all ready to play a real game? It's calledTo Win, to Lose or to Trade the Fame.The trade is great for those not already making millions of bucks or getting every second of airplay. That's the kind of airplay that I like to call dead air. It's not when it's silent, it's when they play the same songs by the same people over and over and over again. Same goes for reruns on television. Same show, same episode, two different channels and at the same damn time. I am prepared to make sure the executives at those networks get fired immediately. Okay, maybe not fired, but at least demoted to Mailroom. The new site will be up shortly and I'll be shuffling through all the YouTube, Vimeo, and Vevo videos to ask your opinion about raw talent. Have they got it? Or have they not?Welcome home long lost ones. The time has finally come to redefine the art, music, and movie industry standards. How we choose to elect these standards, is ultimately how we will perceive the potential of fair play and future growth. We’re going to get rid of the robots and refer to the days when it wasn’t all about how you can dance, pay your way in, or make it in the music industry just because you got the smallest puppy award or made out with some big network hotshot. We’re seeking true talent again. The kind that looks and sounds better stripped of all the glamour, than when dressed all up for the red carpet. Are you ready? I know I am. Please don't take the dancing comment to heart. Dancing is important, but not everyone has to master it. Our talents are unique and right now, nothing is unique. You'd barely be able to tell the difference between actress number one and singer number two. It’s been much too long, but finally, a great change has fallen upon us. Artists are beginning to regain the control they deserve, while placing industry leads back on their knees. Begging for jobs and selling their souls. It shows us how powerful karma is. Its her nasty way of kicking the ugliest and most despised while they're on their way to being down and out. Hard luck champs. You had a nice run. Now take your money, networks and monopolies and shove them in our mouths. That’s where they belong. Guess you forgot that you’re not the only one who needs to eat to survive. It is here and now that coasts are meeting coasts. 

So far, they have collaborated between New York/New Jersey, Chicago, Phoenix and LA. The US has a lot more cities than that, so there is a lot of work to do. We’ve got the anonymous industry humble leads that have chosen to go unnamed, so I chose Ed & Holly Wood. They’re going to share the mystery behind everything that goes on right on this site's blog. They have been tracking trends underground and rerouting them in a more positive manner that shifts the weight from luck and who you know, back to talent and it shows. The trends, unbeknownst to most, have basically burst from secrecy, but are still rising as the entertainment and creative industry is changing history as we see our presidents taking a back seat to notice the power that people have on their own. We’re not trying to starve the less fortunate or become kings and queens. All we want is to live our dreams. So, Ed and Holly Wood having a field day with ideas on how to really get a rise out of those individuals in charge of years of discrimination and cold-heartedness. We’re offering them a huge advance to get out of the way.

We'll be secretly checking you out in your home cities, so don't be alarmed if you get tagged into stardom! Be ready and be prepared. Oh, and don't forget to read the fine print below. I’m just kidding, but you should always try. I mean it only takes an hour to read most fine print. Multiply that by how many sites you go to and it should only take approximately, well, 6-7 hours per day. That's when you kiss your plans for the day goodbye.

Seriously, the only fine print you'll see on my sites are not meant to be illegible. Please let me know and I'll make the text bigger. I have an eagle's eye sight, so it's hard for me to determine what size is reasonable. Also, we will never promise anything too good to be true. It won't say one thing, then change the next day. We really are kicking the bad people with little to no talent out of the scene and electing new awesome people with awesome talent to take their places. It really could be you. Go claim what's rightfully yours anyway. You don't need me to tell you if you have what it takes. Most of us don't and those are the cold hard facts. Basically, you really should know when you have the fame gift before attempting it. Otherwise you're lost in la la land with your dreams and I suggest preparing yourself for a major meltdown and a couple month stay in either rehab or a psych ward. Regardless, we'll tell you if you're truly talented or a big fake. We're honest and completely unfiltered. Not to be mean, but to keep it fair.

SOOOOoooo.... one small disclosure. I use suggestive links for products and advertisers only when it's relevant to the content on the page, so that I can afford to maintain this site and blog for Ed and Holly. Please don't be offended : )

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